The college has a Student Academic Management System (SAMS) resource Centre administered by Odisha Computer Application Centre (OCAC) under the ageis of State Govt. of Odisha for a transparent e-admission process. Admission Notice is notified through the newspapers and displayed on the website for a Common Application Form online and offline to be downloaded for admission. Common Prospectus of the Campus Profile and the academic programmeshave been designed to the needs of the students. Complete details are placed on the website to facilitate online access to the requisite information. Admission Committee carrying out the guideline for admission.
Cut off marks of the previous year and ranked students seek admission from their merit as per the provisions of weightage like reservations and marks in the last qualifying examination. 1st selection and 2nd selection lists are communicated through SAMS, Internet and Sanjog Help Line 155335 and students are aware to download the intimation for their selection to take admission on the scheduled date. Balance seat if any lying vacant is filled up by the offline selection as per the merits according to marks in the last qualifying examination leaving the weightage with consideration.
Honours subjects are allocated to the students already applied in the Common Application Form. The college has constituted an Admission Committee, HODs of Departments as the member along with the Principal as the Convener for selection of eligible students for admission with respect to the fulfillment of the eligibility criteria fixed by the guidelines of the Government from time to time. A common Admission Test is held to select the student after due scrutiny of the applications. The students are selected on the basis of academic merit along with the marks awarded in the Common Admission Test in order of their ranks for the preference of the Honours subject. Waiting ranks is also prepared to admit the students who failed/forfeited their seats even after selection.
The students of ST/SC are admitted to the Certificate Course in Computer Application as the Criteria of their merit as marks in the last qualifying examination after due scrutiny of the applications.